
 2021-04-15 12:04

摘 要




Detection of background difference moving target image based on the method


Nowadays, moving object detection is one of the key techniques in digital image processing field. It does not only detect and extract targets, but also provide images for subsequent processing, such as target tracking, behavior recognizing, and so on. Therefore, moving object detection technique is widely applied and played a huge role in people's daily life. It has the broad prospects for development and has received high attention from all departments.

For the simple video image, the background subtraction method is adopted to detect moving objects based on statistical modeling method. The principle of the algorithm and the method for acquiring background are given. The algorithm is implemented by programming. The flow chart and steps for compiling programs are presented. The software for the algorithm is developed on the Visual C 2010 platform based on OpenCV. The software is used to testify the effectiveness of the algorithm with different videos. Experiment results show that the algorithm can detect moving objects in simple videos. Due to the statistical method of modeling accuracy is not high and the anti-interference ability is poor, the background subtraction method is adopted to detect moving objects based on Gaussian mixture model method. The principle of the algorithm and the method for acquiring background are given. The algorithm is implemented by programming. The flow chart and steps for compiling programs are presented. Experimental results show that the method can detect moving objects accurately when the background is disturbed.

Key words:moving object detection;background subtraction;background modeling;Statistical mean value method;Gaussian mixture model

目 录

1绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 国内外发展现状 2

1.2.1 运动目标检测的现状 2

1.2.2 背景建模的现状 4

1.3 研究内容安排 6

2预备知识 8

2.1 颜色空间 8

2.2 图像处理技术 10

2.2.1 图像变换 10

2.2.2 图像滤波 11

2.2.3 形态学处理 12

2.2.4 图像二值化 13

3基于统计法的运动目标检测的设计和实现 15

3.1 背景差分法的运动目标检测原理 15

3.1.1背景差分法的原理 15

3.1.2 统计平均值法背景建模 17

3.2 背景模型的更新 17

3.3 程序实现 18

3.3.1实验步骤 18

3.3.2实验流程图 18

3.3.3实现程序 19

3.4 实验结果 19

3.5 本章小结 22

4基于混合高斯法的运动目标检测的设计和实现 23

4.1混合高斯模型的原理 23

4.2 程序实现 24

4.2.1实验步骤 24

4.2.2实验流程图 24

4.2.3实现程序 25

4.3实验结果 25

4.4本章小结 26

结论和展望 28

致 谢 29

参考文献 30

附录1 32

附录2 38


1.1 研究背景



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