
 2021-04-16 01:04

摘 要

如今,人们的生活水平随着时间的推移越来越高了,科学技术也越来越发达,特别是改革开发后,每户家庭拥有的汽车数量不断提高,越来越多的汽车进入寻常百姓家。带给了人们出行的便利,起着重大的作用,但是与日俱增的车辆也给本来就很拥挤的城市带来了更多不便,所以一个合理的,智能的停车场会给广大的司机带来便利,极大的节约了时间和面积。提高了停车位的利用率,很大程度缓解了城市停车的压力。因此, 鉴于上述条件, 发展空余车位监控显示装置, 允许驾驶员进入停车场的门口, 同时对停车场空余车位情况立刻知道, 从而达到快速、合理的停车位置选择。


本毕业论文的主要目的是利用89C52单片机和光敏传感器等元器件实现停车场空余车位的统计和显示。并且利用继电器模拟开门和关门的模块化模拟,设计的主要目的是要简单直观, 清楚地看到停车场的空余车位数, 使驾驶员能够很快知道余下的车位数量, 方便驾驶员避免车库的拥堵。本设计采用 89C52单片机为主要控制芯片, 具有高精度的光敏传感器模块, 用于车辆识别,当有车子进出的时候及时准确的进行计数(加一减一),具有电源保护系统,当雷暴天气时可以保护系统不受恶劣天气影响 , 并结合实际。本设计可实现以下五大功能: (1)车位统计零误差;(2)非接触检测;(3)具有抗干扰能力;(4)总车位数量可任意(5)停电数据不丢失设置;


Parking space display system


With the development of human technology and the improvement of people's daily living standard, automobiles have gone from luxury goods to household articles, and more and more cars come into families. Bring people convenience, plays an important role, but also to grow with each passing day vehicles already crowded city brought more inconvenience, so a reasonable, intelligent parking lot will bring convenience to the driver, a great saving of time and area. The utilization of berths is greatly improved, and the parking pressure of the city is relieved. Therefore, in view of the above situation, the development of free parking monitor display device, allowing the driver to enter the campus (or plant) the door, at the same time on campus (or factory) a free parking lot parking situation, so as to achieve rapid and reasonable parking location choice.

Parking lot parking control system as the product of the progress of the times and the progress of science and technology, he passed on the parking lot free parking, monitoring, and feedback to the display screen, realizes the parking lot on the space saving, save manpower cost, and reliable performance is far higher than the artificial statistics. But his composition is relatively difficult, the control is abstract, so although it is a promising industry, it has been the focus of parking management industry.

The main purpose of this thesis is to use the 89C52 microcontroller and photosensitive sensors and other components to achieve parking spaces, parking spaces statistics and display. And the use of modular relay simulation of the opening and closing of the simulation, the main objective of design is simple and intuitive, clearly see the parking lot of the remaining number of parking spaces, so that the driver can quickly know the number of the rest of the garage, the garage is convenient for drivers to avoid congestion. This design uses 89C52 microcontroller as the main control chip, a photosensitive sensor module with high precision, for vehicle recognition, when there is a car out of the timely and accurate count (plus one minus one), with power protection system can protect the system from the weather. When the thunderstorm weather, combined with the actual. This design can realize the following five main functions: (1) parking space statistics zero error; (2) non-contact detection; (3) have anti-interference ability; (4) the total number of parking spaces can be arbitrarily set;

Key words: single chip microcomputer; photosensitive sensor; display of vacant parking spaces; non-contact detection

目 录

1 绪论 1

1.1问题的产生 1

1.2研究的背景和意义 1

1.3国内外研究现状 2

1.4实现的功能 2

2 硬件电路介绍 4

2.1系统概述 4

2.2 单片机介绍 4

2.2.1 单片机概述 4

2.2.2 at89c52单片机 5

2.2.3单片机最小系统 5

2.3 非接触式检测模块的介绍 7

2.3.1光敏传感器模块的硬件电路 7

2.4显示模块 8

2.4.1led数码管的介绍 8

2.4.2 LED数码管的驱动方式 9

2.5电源模块电路 10

2.6保护模块电路 11

2.7停电存储电路 12

2.8本章小结 13

3 系统软件的设计 14

3.1软件和工具的选择 14

3.1.1 汇编语言与C语言 14

3.1.2 编程工具Keil的介绍 15

3.1.3 软件程序的组成 19

3.2程序设计 19

3.2.1主程序设计 19

3.2.2倒计时中断程序设计 21

3.2.3增加和减少按键程序 21

3.2.4数码管显示程序 22

3.2.5系统的存储电路 23

3.3本章小结 26

4 系统仿真和调试 27

4.1软件和仿真平台的介绍 27

4.2protues和keil的联合仿真 27

4.2.1protues原理图的绘制 27

4.3本章小结 31

结论 32

致谢 33

参考文献 33

附录A:整体电路 35

附录B:部分源程序 36

1 绪论


这些年来, 随着改革开放和经济建设的飞速发展, 汽车给人们带来幸福和便利的同时,也带来了越来越突出的城市拥挤问题: 交通问题日益严重, 停车问题, 变成许多人困扰的问题, 虽然停车是个小问题,但是这是所有人的小问题,所以不能简简单单就忽略它 [3]。目前, 全自动无人工干预的停车场的使用是处理这一问题的最有作用途径之一, 这使得停车管理的重要性越来越受到人们的重视。然而智能化的停车场并未在中国的大部分城市普及,大多数城市的停车场还处在人工鉴别车子的进出,人工收费,人工管理车辆的阶段。



于是,根据上述的情况,计划一个能够监测停车场空闲车位并显示的装置,使得司机在进入停车场大门的同时,可以提前知道停车场里面的情况。所以这可以节约了时间还减轻了交通拥堵问题 。而且纵观各行各业都在向智能化的方向发展,智能化已经是大势所趋。而且智能化的空余车位显示系统给广大人们打来了便利的同时还能节约停车的用地量,给拥挤的城市节约了用地,很大程度上改善了人们的出行体验,让更多的人愿意用私家车的方式出现,而不是把车子停在家搁着。这更促使了我们建立一个智能化的停车场空余车位显示系统。


在科学技术不断发展的几天,自动化停车场的作用不断提高。现代停车场最明显的特点是智能化和与互联网接轨, 它使用了许多先进的技术和材料[1]

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