
 2021-04-15 12:04

摘 要





The Control and Design of Self-Balanced Vehicle


The two-wheel self-balanced vehicle are a multi-variable, non-linear and serious coupling control system with the characteristic of simple structure. It also has the advantages of low cost and easy to implement.Therefore, it is a classic platform to test and validate a variety of control methods. After analyzing the research status in and abroad,this paper presents a design scheme of two-wheel self-balanced vehicle.

Firstly,this essay establishes the model of a two-wheel scooter using Newton mechanics laws. Based on this model, MPU6050 is used to detect the gesture information of the vehicle body,and use complementary filter to fuse the data;The speed of the wheels are detected by encoders. Micro-controller IAP15W4K61S4 and PID control algorithm are used to process the gesture information.Based on gesture signals,the micro-controller output PWM which driver the motors.So far,a bottom system based on the conventional PID control algorithm is established for a two-wheel self-balanced vehicle.

Upon completion of the entire system,the vehicle can be adjusted independently then quickly restore stability when there is a moderate amount of interference.Finally, we verified the system feasibility of the hardware and software by experiment.

Key words:two-wheel self-balanced vehicle;complementary filter;PID

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究的背景与意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 国外研究成果 2

1.2.2 国内研究成果 3

1.2.3 国内外研究总结 4

1.3 本文的主要研究内容 5

第2章 自平衡小车原理分析 6

2.1 平衡原理分析 6

2.2 数学建模 6

2.2.1 小车的受力分析 6

2.2.2 建立数学模型 8

2.3 本章小结 9

第3章 自平衡小车硬件电路设计 10

3.1 系统硬件的基本组成 10

3.2 微控制器模块 10

3.2.1 IAP15W4K61S4芯片介绍 10

3.2.2控制电路设计 12

3.3姿态检测模块 12

3.3.1 MPU6050芯片介绍 13

3.3.2 控制电路设计 13

3.4直流电机驱动模块 14

3.4.1TB6612FNG芯片介绍 14

3.4.2 H桥驱动介绍 15

3.4.3 控制电路设计 16

3.5 电源模块 16

3.5.1 电源芯片介绍 17

3.5.2 控制电路设计 18

3.6 速度测量模块 19

3.7 电量检测电路 20

3.8 LED灯指示电路 21

3.9 在系统编程模块 21

3.10 本章小结 22

第4章 自平衡小车软件设计 23

4.1系统主程序流程图 23

4.2 中断服务程序流程图及部分子程序 24

4.3 MPU6050数据采集与处理 26

4.3.1 MPU6050初始化 26

4.3.2 数据采集 27

4.3.3互补滤波 27

4.4 小车运动控制 28

4.4.1 角度环PD控制 29

4.4.2 速度环PI控制 29

4.5 本章小结 30

第5章 自平衡小车系统调试 31

5.1系统硬件电路调试 31

5.2 PID参数整定 31

5.3 死区电压的整定 32

5.4 本章小结 32

结 论 33

致 谢 34

参考文献 35

附录A:小车实物图 36

附录B:总体电路原理图 37

附录C:程序代码 38

  1. 绪论




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